Safety Precautions

We want you to know what we are doing to make safety our number one priority. Our team has had additional training in infection control and office procedures for your and their protection. Please read on for some of the specific ways we are working to protect you and your family.

Pre-appointment Checklist:

  • If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms before your appointment: fever, body aches, dizziness, cough, shortness of breath or loss of taste or smell please call our office.
  • At the time of your appointment we will complete a pre-screening check list: recording of temperature, if 100.4 or higher we will reschedule your appointment.

Office Procedures:

  • Please wear your mask into the office, and when you are escorted to and from the treatment room. We have them available if you need one.
  • Hand sanitizer is to be used and is provided upon entry.
  • Reduced waiting in the reception area and limiting it to only essential caregivers and parents of minors if they cannot wait in a vehicle or outside the clinic.
  • We disinfect all surfaces and bag highly utilized equipment with Biosurf, which is effective against Corona, Hep and HIV viruses. We also wipe down office surfaces like keyboards, light switches, door handles, furniture, arm rests, and restrooms frequently.
  • All instruments have always been sterilized and pre-packaged for each individual patient.
  • HEPA air purifiers have been installed in the office to filter out harmful particulates.
  • Enhanced personal protection equipment includes KN95 masks and face shields in addition to our normal protocol of eye protection and lab coats to provide barriers against the smallest of germs.
  • We disinfect all surfaces daily, such as keyboards and counters.
  • We also have enhanced personal protection equipment which includes N95 masks & face shields.


  • Due to COVID 19, many of us have concerns about economic recovery. We understand and encourage you to reach out with any financial issues regarding treatment.

We are here to help you with your dental needs and look forward to seeing you soon.
Kathrine Olson DDS and Staff